Available Programs

LASeR’s second path of intervention comes through a variety of Capacity Building Programs that support youth in Tripoli and the North and improves their skills in many stages of their journey.

Tashغeel project aims to provide selected candidates with technical and digital business skills to prepare them for employment in different fields.

After the training (soft and hard skills), trainees will do a 3-month corporate internship or project internship under the supervision of a mentor appointed by LASeR to follow up on interns and thus help them achieve the goals of the internship.

هو برنامج يهدف لمساعدة الطلاب للتطور على الصعيد الشخصي والمهني، مما يساعدهم على تحقيق طموحاتهم والوصول إلى أقصى إمكاناتهم.

YESS is an empowering program that provides academic, English and skills support for young vulnerable learners enrolled in public education and moving from grade 9 to grade 10 or from grade 11 to grade 12.

Students can benefit from the program right after they move to grade 10 or 12 successfully. The program aims to avoid school dropout, increase students’ success rate and help them later on in their enrollment in higher education.

The program provides academic support – outside school hours – in the main subjects of the students of grade 12 in the Public Secondary Schools in Tripoli. 

Back to Bacc is directed to all public high school students in Tripoli. The first and primary goal of the initiative is to protect students from losing their academic year because of the schools’ strike.