H2C4 Final Ceremony

The Lebanese Association for Scientific Research (LASeR) concludes the fourth edition of the Health to Community Program (H2C) 

The Lebanese Association for Scientific Research LASeR held the ending ceremony of the H2C4 program at the Order of Engineers in Tripoli, in the presence of

  • The President of LASeR Dr. Fawaz Al-Omar
  • The CEO of LASeR Dr. Mustapha Al-Jazar
  • The director of the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) Dr. Ziad Naja
  • The Head of the Civil Engineers Branch in the Order of Engineers Dr. Safwan Chahal representing the president of the Order of Engineers Eng. Bahaa Harb

The ceremony started with the Lebanese National Anthem, then words from the association’s president, director of the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie, representative of the President of the Order of Engineers, and coordinator of the Youth Empowerment Program at LASeR.

The second part of the ceremony included a small on-stage performance by the students of the Young Empowered Secondary Students  Program (YESS) in which they introduced each H2C team and then each team introduced themselves in front of the audience.

The four teams were:

  1. Fullmemory: tackled the problem of memory loss and forgetting a lot and how to face it
  2. هيّر لتغيّر: tackled the bad impact of deodorants on the skin and offered a natural substitute
  3. مَ شاعر: talked about emotional eating and how to overcome it
  4. بالصحة مافي عيب: talked about sexual health problems including blue balls, and the problem of pricy sanitary pads and how to make a cheaper healthy substitute.

After the part of the projects, the Youth Empowerment Program Coordinator at LASeR, Mrs. Sabah Al-Merehbi, was honored by the Programs Manager, Mrs. Zeina Awaydate, for her efforts in her work with the association.

Before the end of the ceremony, Mohamad Ali Karroum and Tahani Khallouf were awarded best participant in H2C4 and best designer in H2C4 as voted by Young Empowered Secondary Students (YESS).

At the end of the ceremony, the winning team for this year’s version of H2C was announced

بالصحة ما في عيب were the winners, the team includes:

  • Malak Bayaa
  • Alaa Makiyeh
  • Tahani Khallouf
  • Mohamad Zeiny
  • Iyad Loubani

The winning team received the award on stage in the presence of the association’s president, the CEO of LASeR, the programs manager at LASeR, the staff, and the participants in the H2C4 program.

H2C3 Final Ceremony

This year, LASeR launched the third edition of H2C. Fifteen students participated, participants created 4 groups  and chose 4 different health problems to focus on: garbage pollution, good bacteria, stress and organic waste. Their main target was to create awareness campaigns regarding the subjects they chose to tackle.

The final ceremony took place in The Chamber of Commerce in Tripoli on  September the 21st 2019. All groups got the chance to showcase their projects to people that attended the event. Each group, prepared their own stand and gave on spot campaigns about their projects. Participants presented their campaigns in front of the Jury and on stage in front of the crowd .

The Jury got to pick the winners of first prize by voting, the group of Nakia Kharouta, Hiba Maksoud and Farah Moustafa that chose the organic waste problem under the campaign “مش للكب”. The crowd voted for the group of Fadila Al Yassin, Fatima Al Hamadi, Walaa Al Zaher and Houda Al Moussawwel that tackled the beneficial bacteria subject, campaign name “منا و فينا تتعافينا” to win the second prize.