New Partnership with BAU-Tripoli

We are proud to announce our new partnership with BAU Tripoli. According to this partnership accepted students benefit from a 40% scholarship and the rest of the fees are paid in form of a interest-free loan that the student pays in monthly installments.


  • Applications are open now. The deadline for applications is 14/2/2019. To apply click here
  • Our team will contact all candidates to invite them to an interview at LASeR on 17/2/2019. The interview will determine whether you get the scholarship or not.
  • Our team will contact students again to tell them about the results of the interview. All accepted students should register in the BAU between 2/3/2019 and 10/3/2019
  • The entrance exam will be on 14/3/2019
  • Accepted students will visit LASeR to sign their contracts in later appointments.